Thank you for visiting the Veritas Academy website and choosing to find out more about us.
Below are some useful resources and a video which gives you a glimpse into our school through the lens of our students.
Veritas Academy from DLE Event Group on Vimeo.
We hope you find time to read our principal's message along with our vision and mission, goals, schoolwide theme and our grading and academic policy, as these will help share expectations and many details to help students become acclimated.
The links below will take you to the various sections that will give you a glimpse at what we're all about:
Resources specifically for new students and families
If you have any questions we'd encourage you to contact us and the emails on the left or in our staff directory linked along the top navigation bar will connect you with the right person.
Renzulli Model
Veritas Academy holds the unique distinction of being the first New York City Public High School to follow the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) envisioned by Dr. Joseph Renzulli. Since our inception, Veritas has been committed to project-based learning founded in the unique interests and talents of our students. It is our firm belief that every student has gifts to be shared, showcased, and celebrated.
Yondr Phone Pouches
In May of 2024 Veritas Academy transitioned to the Yondr phone pouch system. Please see the informational letter below for more details.